Mrs Harper
P1 Teacher
Senior Teacher
Designated Teacher for Child Protection and Safeguarding
Learning Support Co-ordinator
World Around us Co-ordinator
Mrs Treanor
P1 Classroom Assistant
Mrs Sherry
P2/P3 Classroom Assistant
Mrs Ratazjak
P2/P3 - Classroom Assistant
Mrs Sabharwal
P4 Teacher
Digital Skills Co-ordinator
Roots of Empathy Leader
Mrs Gawronska
P4 Classroom Assistant
Mrs Harker
P4 Classroom Assistant
Miss Fox
P5 Teacher
Miss Rafferty
P5 Classroom Assistant
Mrs Devlin
P5 Classroom Assistant
Mr McAleer
P6/7 Teacher
Numeracy Co-ordinator
School Council/Eco-schools co-ordinator
Wellbeing Champion
Mrs Muldoon
P6 Classroom Assistant
Mrs McElroy
Building Supervisor
Mrs Mulgrew
Building Supervisor
Ms Murray
Mr McCaughey
Acting Principal
Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection and Safeguarding
Assessment Co-ordinator